Amy Graff - Secretary

Amy Graff is a news producer for SFGATE, focusing on Bay Area news, real estate and science and environment stories. As a mother raising three children in San Francisco, she also covers parenting topics and writes the site’s Mommy Files blog.

Amy can empathize with any parent navigating SFUSD’s lottery system as in 2007 she launched a blog called the SF K Files chronicling her experience of finding a kindergarten for her daughter. The blog still exists and is a popular resource for San Francisco parents.

Amy got her start in journalism writing features for the Daily Californian, the student newspaper at UC Berkeley. She went on to become a senior editor covering travel at VIA, the magazine for the American Automobile Association, and was a content manager helping oversee a team of over 30 bloggers at BabyCenter.

Amy has been a guest on dozens of radio and TV shows nationwide from Forum (NPR) to Good Morning America (ABC) to the BBC. Her writing has also appeared in the Huffington Post, Sunset and San Francisco magazine.

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